The chest drainage system
I have encounter this ATRIUM chest drain system when my boyfriend had the pneumothorax a few years ago.
There are 3 chambers in the closed chest drain system.
1 collecting chamber for collecting air, blood and any fluid drained from the thorax.
1 water seal chamber with sterile water to prevent the air from outside entering patient's lung and prevent from re-collapsing of lung.
The suction chamber...of cuz it's for suction.
The drainage system should be placed under the patient's chest to avoid re-indroducing the fluid or air into the lung which afftects lung-expansion.
Make sure there are no kinkling or looping which may cuz tension pneumothorax if the tension accumulate in the thorax and there is no mean to release.
Collect the trocar and the tube of collecting chamber with sterile technique.
Remember to give local anesthesia to the patient when u are introducing the trocar and cannula...
cuz it's a very invasive procedure